
[0519] MySQL Performance: 5.4, XtraDB-5 and other @dbSTRESS

쌀맛나는세상 2009. 5. 19. 16:21



Read+Write @8cores, concurrency=16


  • All final results are grouped in several subject of interest
  • Within each subject the same results are also filtered per workload whenever possible
  • As usually you'll find AVG TPS levels from one hand and MAX TPS level form another - it's important to know MAX values to evaluate a performance stability! For example, you may see on XtraDB Max TPS is better while Adaptive Checkpoint is off, but AVG is worse! etc.. As well, if the gap between MAX and AVG is huge - there is something definitively to do with a code!

일단 자세히 읽어 보지 않아서 정확한 분석은 어려우나 대략적인 느낌은

테스트 set 자체를 여러가지 한다는 것

이정도 테스트를 하려면 시간이 얼마나 걸릴까?

& http://ronaldbradford.com/mysql-oracle-dba/

  • 2009 - Best Practices for Migrating to MySQL from Oracle and SQL Server environments. 4 hour workshop for the Federal Government - Washington DC
  • 2008 - MySQL for the Oracle DBA Bootcamp. 1 day workshop for the Federal Government - Washington DC
  • 2007 - MySQL for the Oracle DBA Bootcamp. 1 day workshop New York, NY & San Francisco, CA
  • 2007 - MySQL for Oracle DBA's and Developers. 90 minute presentation at MySQL Conference and Expo, Santa Clara, CA
  • 2006 - MySQL for Oracle Developers. 45 minute presentation at MySQL Users Conference, Santa Clara, CA
  • 2006 - Know your Competitor. A MySQL developers guide to Oracle 10g express edition. 60 minutes presentation at MySQL Users Group, Brisbane, Australia

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