
아직 갈길이 멀었다.

쌀맛나는세상 2009. 6. 3. 01:47
여러가지 이유로 아직 갈길이 멀었다.

실력도 인내력도 집중력도

미안하지만 개인적인 자기 평가는 하향 퇴보 이다.

이대로 가면 굶어 죽는다.

다시 원 상태로 복구 해야 한다.

최근 BMT와 성능 분석 진단등의 일에 집중 하고 있다.

결국은 성능이란 것은 응답시간 쓰루풋 그리고 시스템 사용률 정도 일것이다.
위의 세가지는 성능 평가에 가장 중요한 Factor이다.

To define the performance of any System (Software/hardware/abstract) following technical parameters should always be used in conjunction -

  • Response Time: Response time specifies the time taken by the system to respond back with the expected output. For an enterprise application Response time is defined as the time taken to complete a single business transaction. It is usually expressed in seconds.
  • Throughput: Throughput refers to the rate which the system churns expected outputs when the designated input is fed in the system. In other words, for an Enterprise Application, throughput can be defined as the total number of business transactions completed by the application in unit time (per second or per hour).

Usually, per second or per hour is the standard, since per day (or per diem) is a very wide unit. Most business users utilize an Application during typical 8 hour business window. Normally there are some peaks & some troughs in the input, so the volumes per day should not be averaged to an hour. All the mathematical distributions (normal, Poisson, uniform) come handy over here.

  • Resource Utilization: For any system to consume an input and produce the designated output, certain resources would be required. The amount of resources consumed by the system during processing that request, defines the resource utilization. There can be different resources factored in, such as processor, disk (i/o controller), memory etc. Utilization of 80% is considered an acceptable limit. Normally utilization of 70% warrants ordering of additional hardware.