
SQL Injection Protect Tool

쌀맛나는세상 2009. 8. 6. 11:05
설치는 안해 봤는데 일종의 Connection Handling 하는 프로그램 같다.
당연히 성능상의 issue는 있을테고..

현재 지원 하는 DB는 MySQL, PostgreSQL 인것 같다.


What is GreenSQL?

GreenSQL is an Open Source database firewall used to protect databases from SQL injection attacks. GreenSQL works as a proxy for SQL commands and has built in support for MySQL. The logic is based on evaluation of SQL commands using a risk scoring matrix as well as blocking known db administrative commands (DROP, CREATE, etc). GreenSQL is distributed under the GPL license. You can download it here.

GreenSQL Architecture

GreenSQL works as a reverse proxy for MySQL connections. It means, that instead of MySQL server, your applications will connect to GreenSQL server. GreenSQL will analyze SQL queries and forward them to the back-end MySQL server.

The following picture describes the whole process.
GreenSQL ArchitectureGreenSQL Architecture
As you can see, GreenSQL calls real database server to execute SQL commands and web application connects to GreenSQL server as if it is a real database server.