
oracle 10g R2 event, level

쌀맛나는세상 2008. 1. 7. 16:06
Event # Level Description
8186 -

ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '8186 trace name context OFF' - VERSIONS BETWEEN query

10013 1 Monitor Transaction Recovery
10015 1 Dump Undo Segment Headers
10015 3 Identify corrupt undo segments
10032 4 Dump Sort Statistics
10032 10 Dump Sort Statistics
10033 4 Dump Sort Large Run Statistics (blocks dumped to disk and read back) - poss. no levels.
10033 10 Dump Sort Intermediate Run Statistics
10045 1 Trace Free List Management Operations
10046 0 No statistics generated
10046 1 Standard trace output including parsing, executes and fetches plus more
10046 2 Same as Level 1
10046 4 Level 1 + Bind Variables
10046 8 Level 1 + Waits
10046 12 Level 1 + Bind Variables & Waits
10053 1 Dump Optimizer Statistics and Computations
10053 2 Dump Optimizer Computations only
10060 1 10060 - Dump Predicates *
10065 1 Restrict Library Cache Output for State Object Dumps - Library Objects Only
10065 2 Restrict Library Cache Output for State Object Dumps + library object lock details
10065 3 Restrict Library Cache Output for State Object Dumps + library object handle and library object
10079 2 Dump SQL*Net Statistics
10081 1 Dump High Water Mark Changes
10104 10 Dump Hash Join Statistics
10128 0x0001 Dump Partition Pruning Information *
10128 0x0002 Dump partition iterators
10128 0x0004 Dump optimizer decisions about partition-wise joins
10128 0x0008 Dump ROWID range scan pruning information
10132 12 Dumps SQL statements into UDUMP along with the actual execution plan
10200 1 Dump Consistent Reads
10201 1 Dump Consistent Read Undo Application
10210 10 Table Integrity Check
10211 10 Index Integrity Check
10220 1 Dump Changes to Undo Header
10221 7 Dump Undo Changes
10224 1 Dump Index Block Splits / Deletes
10225 1 Dump Changes to Dictionary Managed Extents
10231 10 Causes full table scans to skip corrupt blocks, rather than fail with an ORA-1578 error
10232 10 Causes corrupt blocks to be dumped to the process trace file
10233 10 Traces memory usage statistics
10235 1 Check memory manager internal structures (use with ORA-600/ORA-7445 errors)
10241 1 Dump Remote SQL Execution
10246 1 Trace PMON Process
10248 10 Trace Dispatcher Processes
10249 10 Trace Shared Server (MTS) Processes
10270 10 Debug Shared Cursors
10289 1 Dump a database block in hexadecimal
10299 1 Debug Prefetch
10357 1 Debug Direct Path
10390 0x0001 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave-side execution messages
10390 0x0002 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Coordinator-side execution messages
10390 0x0004 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave context state changes
10390 0x0008 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave ROWID range bind variables and xty
10390 0x0010 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave fetched rows as enqueued to TQ
10390 0x0020 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Coordinator wait reply handling
10390 0x0040 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Coordinator wait message buffering
10390 0x0080 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave dump timing
10390 0x0100 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Coordinator dump timing
10390 0x0200 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Slave dump allocation file number
10390 0x0400 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Terse format for debug dumps
10390 0x0800 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Trace CRI random sampling
10390 0x1000 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Trace signals
10390 0x2000 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Trace parallel execution granule operations
10390 0x4000 Dump Parallel Execution Slave Statistics -  Force compilation by slave 0
10391 0x0001 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Summary of each object scanned in parallel
10391 0x0002 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Full dump of each object except extent map
10391 0x0004 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Full dump of each object including extent map
10391 0x0010 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Summary of each granule generators
10391 0x0020 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Granule generators except granule instances
10391 0x0040 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Granule generators including granule instances
10391 0x0080 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - System information
10391 0x0100 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Reference object for the query
10391 0x0200 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - kxfralo timing
10391 0x0400 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Affinity module
10391 0x0800 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Granule allocation during query execution
10391 0x1000 Dump Parallel Execution Granule Allocation - Object flush
10393 1 Dump Parallel Execution Statistics
10401 1 KSXP tracing - event 10401 trace name context forever, level 1 (for RAC kernel)
10402 1 SKGXP tracing - event 10402 trace name context forever, level 1 (for RAC kernel) minimal tracing
10402 127 SKGXP tracing - event 10402 trace name context forever, level 1 (for RAC kernel) maximum tracing
10500 1 Trace SMON Process
10608 10 Trace Bitmap Index Creation
10704 1 Trace Enqueues
10706 1 Trace Global Enqueue Manipulation
10708 10 Trace RAC Buffer Cache
10710 1 Trace Bitmap Index Access
10711 1 Trace Bitmap Index Merge Operation
10712 1 Trace Bitmap Index OR Operation
10713 1 Trace Bitmap Index AND Operation
10714 1 Trace Bitmap Index MINUS Operation
10715 1 Trace Bitmap Index Conversion to ROWIDs
10716 1 Trace Bitmap Index Compress / Decompress
10717 1 Trace Bitmap Index Compaction
10719 1 10719 - Trace Bitmap Index DML
10730 1 Trace Fine Grained Access Predicates
10731 1 Trace CURSOR Statements
10731 2 Trace CURSOR Statements
10901   Disable extent trimming
10928 1 Trace PL/SQL Execution
10938 1 Trace PL/SQL Execution Statistics
29700   Enable the collection of DLM lock conversion statistics to query GV$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL and GV$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE

Use "dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable()" instead of "alter session set events ..." and you will see the columns sys.gv_$session updated