2008. 1. 15. 16:41
Column Name | ID | Data Type | Null? | Comments |
OWNER | 1 | VARCHAR2 (30 Byte) | N | |
TABLE_NAME | 2 | VARCHAR2 (30 Byte) | N | Table, view or cluster name |
COLUMN_NAME | 3 | VARCHAR2 (30 Byte) | N | Column name |
DATA_TYPE | 4 | VARCHAR2 (106 Byte) | Y | Datatype of the column |
DATA_TYPE_MOD | 5 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Datatype modifier of the column |
DATA_TYPE_OWNER | 6 | VARCHAR2 (30 Byte) | Y | Owner of the datatype of the column |
DATA_LENGTH | 7 | NUMBER | N | Length of the column in bytes |
DATA_PRECISION | 8 | NUMBER | Y | Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT) |
DATA_SCALE | 9 | NUMBER | Y | Digits to right of decimal point in a number |
NULLABLE | 10 | VARCHAR2 (1 Byte) | Y | Does column allow NULL values? |
COLUMN_ID | 11 | NUMBER | Y | Sequence number of the column as created |
DEFAULT_LENGTH | 12 | NUMBER | Y | Length of default value for the column |
DATA_DEFAULT | 13 | LONG | Y | Default value for the column |
NUM_DISTINCT | 14 | NUMBER | Y | The number of distinct values in the column |
LOW_VALUE | 15 | RAW (32) | Y | The low value in the column |
HIGH_VALUE | 16 | RAW (32) | Y | The high value in the column |
DENSITY | 17 | NUMBER | Y | The density of the column |
NUM_NULLS | 18 | NUMBER | Y | The number of nulls in the column |
NUM_BUCKETS | 19 | NUMBER | Y | The number of buckets in histogram for the column |
LAST_ANALYZED | 20 | DATE | Y | The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed |
SAMPLE_SIZE | 21 | NUMBER | Y | The sample size used in analyzing this column |
CHARACTER_SET_NAME | 22 | VARCHAR2 (44 Byte) | Y | Character set name |
CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH | 23 | NUMBER | Y | Declaration length of character type column |
GLOBAL_STATS | 24 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Are the statistics calculated without merging underlying partitions? |
USER_STATS | 25 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Were the statistics entered directly by the user? |
AVG_COL_LEN | 26 | NUMBER | Y | The average length of the column in bytes |
CHAR_LENGTH | 27 | NUMBER | Y | The maximum length of the column in characters |
CHAR_USED | 28 | VARCHAR2 (1 Byte) | Y | C if the width was specified in characters, B if in bytes |
V80_FMT_IMAGE | 29 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Is column data in 8.0 image format? |
DATA_UPGRADED | 30 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Has column data been upgraded to the latest type version format? |
HIDDEN_COLUMN | 31 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Is this a hidden column? |
VIRTUAL_COLUMN | 32 | VARCHAR2 (3 Byte) | Y | Is this a virtual column? |
SEGMENT_COLUMN_ID | 33 | NUMBER | Y | Sequence number of the column in the segment |
INTERNAL_COLUMN_ID | 34 | NUMBER | N | Internal sequence number of the column |
HISTOGRAM | 35 | VARCHAR2 (15 Byte) | Y | |
QUALIFIED_COL_NAME | 36 | VARCHAR2 (4000 Byte) | Y | Qualified column name |