LOB 타입 DB link 카피 방법
2008. 1. 16. 19:29
1. listener 를 통해 접속가능한 connect string 이 있어야 함
SQL> copy
usage: COPY FROM <db> TO <db> <opt> <table> { (<cols>) } USING <sel>
<db> : database string, e.g., hr/your_password@d:chicago-mktg
<opt> : ONE of the keywords: APPEND, CREATE, INSERT or REPLACE
<table>: name of the destination table
<cols> : a comma-separated list of destination column aliases
<sel> : any valid SQL SELECT statement
A missing FROM or TO clause uses the current SQL*Plus connection.
2.원본 table(le)의 column 확인
3. 원본 table과 같은 구조를 갖는 table (le2)를 빈 껍데기만 생성
4. 아래와 같은 방법으로 table copy 수행
copy from scott/tiger@remote to scott/tiger@local append le2 using select * from le;
5.copy 된 table (le2)를 query 해서 결과 확인
SQL> copy
usage: COPY FROM <db> TO <db> <opt> <table> { (<cols>) } USING <sel>
<db> : database string, e.g., hr/your_password@d:chicago-mktg
<opt> : ONE of the keywords: APPEND, CREATE, INSERT or REPLACE
<table>: name of the destination table
<cols> : a comma-separated list of destination column aliases
<sel> : any valid SQL SELECT statement
A missing FROM or TO clause uses the current SQL*Plus connection.